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S. Korean president’s approval rating rises to 23 pct: poll

SEOUL, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) — South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol’s approval rating rose 3 percentage points to 23 percent this week compared to two weeks ago, a weekly poll showed Friday.
The negative assessment on Yoon’s conduct of state affairs slipped 2 percentage points to 68 percent, according to local pollster Gallup Korea.
Support for the ruling conservative People Power Party gained 3 percentage points to 31 percent in the cited period.
The main liberal opposition Democratic Party’s popularity rating fell 1 percentage point to 32 percent.
The minor left-leaning Rebuilding Korea Party posted an 8 percent support score this week, while the minor center-right New Reform Party logged a 4 percent approval score.
The results were based on a survey of 1,001 voters conducted from Tuesday to Thursday. It had plus and minus 3.1 percentage points in margin of error with a 95-percent confidence level. ■
